We comply with The Finnish Bar Association’s commission guidelines. In legal aid cases the commission is determined by the decree in legal aid. Usually we charge the whole assignment when it ends or by the court instance. Possible advance payments, fixed commission, or monthly payments can be agreed before signing the contract depending on the nature of the assignment. Our hourly fee is on average 288,65 euroa/h (sis. Alv 25,5 %) ja hoidamme myös oikeusapuasioita.

Our hourly fee is 276,10 – 313,75 euroa/h (sis. Alv 25,5 %). The hourly fee is determined by the quality, scope, and schedule of the assignment. The hourly fee is agreed with the client always before signing the assignment contract. The invoicing is based on the time spent on the assignment. The minimum charge is 0.2 hours (12 minutes). Authority fees and other costs are charged separately.

Home insurances often include legal expenses insurance which covers the costs arising from legal assistance (excluding the deductible) in matters related to child custody, visitation rights and maintenance and in criminal cases the injured party's costs. If you have a right to free of charge legal proceedings, you can be granted legal aid by State funds also for the deductible of the legal expenses insurance.

We will fill in the notice of loss to your insurance company. 

If you are suspected for or accused of an aggravated offense offence for which hasn’t been enacted a punishment less than four months of imprisonment, you have been arrested or are under detention, you are under the age of 18, or some other specific reason, the court may appoint a defense counsel for you already for the police investigations. The defence counsel’s fee is payed by the state. In this case, our hourly fee is 138,05 euroa/h (sis. Alv 25,5 %). Mahdollinen korvausvelvollisuus valtiolle riippuu taloudellisesta tilanteestasi ja jutun lopputuloksesta.

If you are a victim of a sexual offence or offence against life and death such as domestic violence or aggravated assault and battery, attempted manslaughter etc. the court may order you a legal counsel already during the police investigations. The fees of such legal counsel are covered by the state. In this case our hourly fee is 138,05 euroa/h (sis. Alv 25,5 %). Tähän avustajamääräykseen ei sisälly oikeudenkäyntikuluriskiä asiakkaalle eikä sen myöntämiseen vaikuta asiakkaan taloudellinen tilanne lainkaan.

We will draw up for you the application for defence counsel and the application for attorney for a victim of crime.

If you don’t have legal expenses insurance and you are not entitled to a defence counsel or a legal counsel for a victim, you may still be entitled to legal aid according to your financial situation. The legal aid may be totally free of charge or co-liable depending on your financial situation. We will find out for you your right for legal aid and draw up the application to the legal aid office. In this case out hourly fee is 138,05 euroa/h (sis. Alv 25,5 %).
